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Autoevolution Article: Polaris Buggy Turned into 640 HP V8 Monster Truck

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PostBlackScorpion Fri Jun 21, 2013 9:32 pm

Polaris Buggy Turned into 640 HP V8 Monster Truck


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It’s really nice when people with ingenuity turn something that is relatively ordinary (a buggy) into something very special - a V8-powered monster truck. A company called High Lifter has taken a regular Polaris RZR buggy and, as their name suggests, has lifted it clean off the ground.

It is more or less, we say, a complete re-engineering job, especially on the suspension side, which seems to be completely redone, not just modified. Another interesting aspect of this mini-monster truck is the power output of the GM-sourced V8 engine - a whopping 640 hp.

It looks like it must be a real blast to drive, if a little top-heavy. We would really like to have a go in one of these, we must admit, as it seems like it is very entertaining to drive, while also being a very capable off-road machine. However, it does seem to lack sway bars, which is very dangerous for something this tall, but they can probably be added afterward, anyway!

Original article can be found at [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]

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